MAT Coursework
Degree Plans for the MAT:
Secondary Education Certification
(Grades 7 – 12 content-specific certification / Grades 6 – 12 for physical science certification)
36 semester hours
- EDC 5392 Issues in Diversity
- EDC 5303 Models of Teaching
- EDC 5317 Special Techniques in Secondary Schools
- TED 4312 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language
- TED 43xx Content Curriculum (or EDC 53xx)
- EDC 5363 Observation and Participation in Middle and Secondary Schools
- EDC 5390 Seminar in Education
- EDC 5699 Internship
- EDC x3xx Elective
- EDC x3xx Elective
- EDC x3xx Elective
Middle Grades Education Certification
(Grades 4 – 8 content-specific certification)
36 semester hours
- EDC 5392 Issues in Diversity (OR TED 4349 Issues in Mathematics)
- EDC 5303 Models of Teaching
- EDC 5370 Application of Technology
- TED 4312 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language
- TED 43xx Content Curriculum (or EDC 53xx)
- EDC 5691 Teaching Associate
- EDC 5699 Internship
- EDC x3xx Elective
- EDC x3xx Elective
- EDC x3xx Elective
Elementary (EC-6) Education Certification
(Early Childhood through Grade 6 General Education certification)
36 semester hours
- EDC 5392 Issues in Diversity
- EDC 5332 Mathematics in Elementary School
- EDC 5360 Advanced Elementary Science Curriculum
- EDC 5300 Advanced Social Studies Methods Elementary School
- EDC 5304 Problems Teaching Reading
- TED 4312 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language
- EDC 5690 Teaching Associate
- EDC 5699 Internship
- EDC 5318 Integrating Language Arts in the Elementary School
- EDC x3xx Elective
Twice Exceptionalities Certification*
(All-Level Special Education and Gifted-Talented Supplemental certifications)
*available only as an initial certification
36 semester hours
- EDP 5332 Human Growth and Development
- EDP 5366 Psychology of Exceptional Children
- EDU 5377 Applied Behavior Analysis
- EDP x3xx Gifted Education elective
- EDP 5361 Developmental Disabilities
or EDP 5379 Ed of Students with Mod/Severe - EDU 5650 Teaching Associate SPED with Gifted Education
- EDU 5371 Assessment of Students
- EDU 5652 Internship SPED with Gifted Education
- EDU 5354 Curriculum Differentiation
- EDU 5374 Literacy for Learners with Exceptionalities
Special Education Certification*
(All-Level Special Education certification)
*available only as an initial certification
36 semester hours
- EDP 5332 Human Growth and Development
- EDP 5366 Psychology of Exceptional Children
- EDU 5377 Applied Behavior Analysis
- EDP 5361 Developmental Disabilities
- EDP 5663 Teaching Associate Special Education
- EDP 5379 Education of Students with Mod/Severe
- EDU 5371 Assessment of Students
- EDU 5662 Internship SPED
- EDU 5354 Curriculum Differentiation
- EDU 5374 Literacy for Learners with Exceptionalities